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Simon Evan-Cook joins Downing Fund Managers

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Downing has appointed Simon Evan-Cook to the fund management team as the group continues to grow the Downing Fund Managers (DFM) boutique listed fund business.

Judith MacKenzie, head of Downing Fund Managers comments:

‘I am delighted that Simon has chosen to join DFM – he brings a wealth of experience and a demonstrable track record which will be invaluable as we develop and grow the business. We share a similar investment philosophy, style and ethos, and are passionate advocates of truly active fund management. He is a perfect fit for us.’

Simon Evan-Cook is a multi-asset, fund-of-funds manager with over 25 years’ experience in financial services. He began his career with Fidelity, before joining Rothschild Asset Management then Gartmore. He joined Premier Asset Management in 2006 where he built his reputation as a senior member of their award-winning multi-asset team.

Simon Evan Cook comments:

‘I’m really excited to be joining Downing Fund Managers. I’ve known Judith and some of her team for many years and have huge admiration for the boutique they’re building. It’s a great home for active fund managers and I know I’ll thrive in an environment that has attracted established managers like Rosemary Banyard, Mike Clements and Pras Jeyanandhan, while also nurturing young talent.’

Downing Fund Managers was established by Judith in 2011. She has spent the last 11 years growing the boutique’s assets and ensuring it provides the right vehicles for investment mandates. DFM has been gradually adding to its range of strategies and now offers five different but complementary funds.

Judith MacKenzie concludes:

‘We have created a setting where we can bring in skilled, experienced fund managers who maybe don’t want to work for large institutions but like the security and support we can offer them. This gives them the freedom to articulate and execute successful strategies on a platform for growth that provides equitable economics for entrepreneurial managers.’

Find out more information on our Downing Fund Managers team.


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