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Downing Fund Managers expands boutique range with fund launch 2020

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Downing Fund Managers has advanced its boutique strategy with the launch of the VT Downing Global Investors Fund managed by Anthony Eaton. Eaton, an investment manager at JM Finn, has been appointed as an investment consultant supporting the fund management team on the global mandate. The VT Downing Global Investors Fund, a thematic fund with reduced concentration risk, aims to achieve capital and income growth over the long term by investing primarily in equities across global markets.

Anthony Eaton formerly managed the CF JM Finn Global Opportunities Fund, achieving a 10.40% compound annualised growth from 2005 until the sale of the fund to Thornbridge was completed in August 20191. Anthony will be working with Judith Mackenzie and her team.

Anthony Eaton explains the investment philosophy behind the Downing Global Investors Fund:

“We believe that events drive trends and that the dominant driver of events is going to be the expanding global middle class population. The needle movers within that will be the six billion population outside the West, and the Asian middle classes in particular. The strategy is to own businesses, wherever they are based, that cater to those needs and wants of this compounding homogenous marketplace.”

The fund’s investment objective will be to seek capital and income growth from investments identified across global equity and/or bond markets from a diversified portfolio of around 150 positions which keeps individual stock specific risk low.

Judith MacKenzie comments:

“Anthony’s appointment marks another significant step in the managed growth of our quoted fund management business and allows us to expand our boutique funds strategy following the recent appointment of Rosemary Banyard to the Downing team. We will provide a platform for Anthony to market a great mandate and we believe that the fund will have wide appeal. As an asset class, global equities provide unlimited opportunities to identify investment prospects at attractive valuations that have the potential to grow investors’ capital over the long-term.” 

Dominic May, CFO of JM Finn commented: 

“We are delighted to enter into this arrangement to assist Downing as they develop their fund offering.” 

Judith MacKenzie concludes: 

“We are delighted that Anthony joins us so soon after Rosemary came on board and we launched the new VT Downing Unique Opportunities Fund. Our boutique strategy aims to provide a partnership to grow mandates that often get overlooked by larger houses, allowing investors access to established managers with proven track records. This should provide the freedom for these managers to articulate and practise successful strategies without the constraints of a larger institution and share the economic equity of success.”

To invest in the VT Downing Global Investors Fund and for more information.


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