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DORE raises £122.5 million

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Downing Renewables & Infrastructure Trust PLC (DORE) is pleased to announce that it has successfully raised gross proceeds of £122,500,000 through a placing, an offer for subscription and an intermediaries offer of ordinary shares of 1 pence each in the capital of the Company at an issue price of 100 pence per Ordinary Share.

Applications will be made for 122,500,000 Ordinary Shares to be admitted to the premium segment of the Official List and to trading on the premium segment of the London Stock Exchange's main market.

The Company will look to provide sustainable income streams with an element of capital growth for its shareholders by investing in a portfolio of renewable energy and infrastructure assets diversified by technology, geography, project stage and revenue type. The Board and Downing LLP, the Company's investment manager (the "Investment Manager" or "Downing") believe that such diversification reduces the overall risk whilst increasing the consistency and stability of revenues.

Terms used and not defined in this announcement will bear the meanings given in the Prospectus.

Hugh W M Little, Chair of Downing Renewables & Infrastructure Trust Plc said:

"We are very pleased with the response we have received and the endorsement of our differentiated proposition from both institutional and retail investors. We are grateful to our new shareholders and look forward to delivering an attractive return for them over the coming years."

Tom Williams, Partner, Head of Energy and Infrastructure at Downing LLP, said:

"The increasing demand for renewables, driven by broad political support for the transition to 'net-zero' emission economies, presents the ideal opportunity for the Company and we are delighted to be launching DORE at this time. The Company will be well positioned to support the growing demand for renewable energy.  We look forward to proceeding with the proposed acquisition of the Seed Assets and continuing to progress the wider pipeline, including the hydro and wind assets that are under exclusivity."

For more information, please visit 


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