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Henrik Dahlström

Henrik Dahlström

Investment Director in the Nordic Region

Henrik joined Downing in August 2020 as Investment Director in the Energy & Infrastructure division, where he leads investments in the Nordic region, an area which he has specialised in for nearly two decades.

Previous to his Downing appointment, Henrik undertook a 17-year tenure at Macquarie as a Director with Macquarie Infrastructure and Real Assets (MIRA) and was made Head of Nordic Region in 2015. Since 2004, Henrik has been involved in all six of Macquarie’s diversified European infrastructure funds (Macquarie European Infrastructure Funds, MEIF). At Downing, Henrik has led the DORE investments in the hydro and grid sectors and is the chairman of Downing Hydro AB.

Henrik, a Swedish national, holds a Master of Science with a major in Finance from Gothenburg School of Economic.

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