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Impact Power Limited

Emirates Stadium, London, UK

In 2018, Downing funds invested into Impact Power Limited, to build and operate a 2.4MW/2.7MWh behind-the-meter battery storage plant at Emirates Stadium, Arsenal’s football stadium. The site has been operational since November 2018. 

The site comprises of Tesla power packs providing frequency response services to the grid, reducing the stadium’s electricity costs, and exporting to the grid. This is primarily achieved by charging the battery during lower cost periods and providing power to the stadium during higher cost periods.  

The project is maintained by the Original Equipment Manufacturer with asset management provided in-house by Downing, supported by a Technical Asset Manager. 

Key facts

January 1, 2018
2.4 MW / 2.7 MWh  
Emirates Stadium, London, UK
Frequency response, power purchase agreement with Arsenal, Capacity Market, export 
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