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Tony Stenning and Huw Price join Downing LLP


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We are pleased to announce two new appointments in Tony Stenning and Huw Price.  

Tony has joined the firm as Head of Liquid Alternatives. He will be assisting with the overall growth of Downing and brings over 30 years of experience in the financial services industry.  

Tony’s last role was CEO of Atlantic House Group. Before this, he was at BlackRock for over 17 years, where he was most recently the Managing Director of the UK Retail business. During this role at BlackRock, Tony oversaw growth in assets under management from $17 billion to $150 billion.  

Tony will also be joined by Huw Price who will be taking the role of Head of Alternatives Structuring at Downing. Huw also brings over 30 years in financial services including risk, compliance and investment portfolio design with a particular focus on derivatives and alternative investment techniques. Most recently Huw was an Executive Director of Santander Asset Management, responsible for transformation and strategic change.  

Tony Stenning, Head of Liquid Alternatives at Downing, commented: "I am thrilled to be joining Downing at this exciting time of growth for the firm. Downing has built an impressive platform and reputation over the last decade for spotting opportunities and designing products that truly meet investor needs. I look forward to working with Huw and the team here to help the firm expand and offer additional opportunities to our investor base."

Kostas Manolis, Head of Private Market Investments at Downing, said: "We are delighted to welcome Tony and Huw to the firm. Tony’s significant public markets experience and his deep knowledge and creativity make him the ideal person to bolster Downing’s strategic growth, complemented well by Huw's significant expertise. We look forward to the valuable contribution both will bring as we continue to expand our capabilities in line with client demand."


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