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Evogreen Ltd

Suffolk, UK

Evogreen is a portfolio of 141 renewable energy systems at various schools across the country.  

The systems consist primarily of solar PV installations (118 sites totaling 5.1MWp), with 16 biomass systems and 7 voltage optimisation solutions. The systems were built using a funded model with schools contracting to lease the solar PV installations from Evogreen to avoid significant up-front capital costs.   

Schools retain the benefit of ownership of the systems, to include Feed-In-Tariff payments, Renewable Heat Incentive payments, and full energy savings. Evogreen partnered with Siemens Financial Services who funded the capital expenditure to build the systems in return for the primary term of rental income from the schools, with the remaining rental income contracted to Evogreen. 

Key facts

January 3, 2018
Rooftop Solar PV maintenance company
Suffolk, UK
Maintenance fees and rental income
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